DETROIT – The Michigan Court of Claims held a hearing on Friday morning on the Michigan Legislature’s lawsuit against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Michigan legislators filed a lawsuit against Gov. Whitmer earlier this month, saying she acted “beyond her authority” when extending the coronavirus (COVID-19) state of emergency, which did not receive backing from Republicans.

Lawmakers promised legal action if Whitmer extended the state of emergency without the approval of legislators.

State Democrats have fired back, calling the move political.

“Let us be abundantly clear: This lawsuit is driven solely by legislative Republicans and has no support from the Senate Democratic Caucus," Michigan Senate Democrats said in a statement. "We are appalled that those across the aisle are choosing a global pandemic as the time to pick political fights with the governor instead of focusing on what we can do to help the people of our state.

The Court of Claims hearing ended with Judge Stephens suggesting that her ultimate decision will probably end up at the Michigan Supreme Court.

Watch the full hearing below: