
County of Lake Request for Proposal (RFP) Emergency Solutions Grant Program Coronavirus Round 2 Allocation (ESG-CV2) - Lake County News

LAKE COUNTY, CA (June 21, 2021) – Request for Proposal (RFP) Emergency  Solutions Grant Program Coronavirus Round 2 Allocation (ESG-CV2) 

The Lake County Continuum of Care (LCCoC) is pleased to announce the availability of  $343,000 through the Emergency Solutions Grant Program, Coronavirus Round 2  Allocation (ESG-CV2). Funds are targeted to prevent, prepare for and respond to  individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or receiving homeless  assistance, in Lake County, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The parameters of the  program are intentionally broad in the request for proposals (RFP) and are not exhaustive. 

A total of $343,000 will be allocated for various activities as follows: 

$93,000 for Emergency Shelter 

$250,000 for Rapid Rehousing 

Deadline for applications is July 21, 2021 BY 11:59 P.M

Non-discrimination statement: 

Sponsor will not deny the benefits of the ESG-CV Round 2 Grant program from or  discriminate against any person on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin,  ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital  status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military  and veteran status, nor shall they discriminate unlawfully against any employee or applicant  for employment because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical  disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex,  gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military and veteran  status. Sponsor shall insure that the evaluation and treatment of employees and applicants  for employment are free of such discrimination. Sponsor will comply with the provisions of 

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the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Gov. Code §12900 et seq.), the regulations  promulgated thereunder (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, §11000 et seq.), the provisions of Article  9.5, Chapter 1, Part 1, Division 3, Title 2 of the Government Code (Gov. Code §§11135- 11139.5), and the regulations or standards adopted by the awarding state agency to  implement such article. Sponsor shall permit access by representatives of the Department of  Fair Employment and Housing and the awarding state agency upon reasonable notice at any  time during the normal business hours, but in no case less than 24 hours’ notice, to such of  its books, records, accounts, and all other sources of information and its facilities as said  Department or Agency shall require to ascertain compliance with this clause. Sponsor shall  give written notice of their obligations under this clause to labor organizations with which  they have a collective bargaining or other agreement. (See Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, §11105.) 


  1. Project Overview PG. 3 2. Eligible Subrecipients PG. 3 3. Eligible Activities Details PG. 3-4 4. Requirements PG.4-5 5. Application Proposal PG.5-7 6. Q and A Session PG.7

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  1. Application Deadline PG.7 8. Grant Application Interview PG.7-8 9. Project Selection Process PG.8 10.Timeline PG.9 11.Scoring Criteria PG.10

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  1. Project Overview 

The California Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus Round 2 (ESG-CV2) program and  authorized the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to  allocate funding to the California Continuum of Cares “to assist persons experiencing or at  risk of homelessness” in local communities due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Lake  County Continuum of Care (LCCoC) shall administer the allocation of funds of Lake  County. LCCoC’s Administrative Entity (AE), Lake County Behavioral Health Services, will  receive applications, administer the awards, and be responsible for state reporting 

The LCCoC has determined that $93,000 for will be allocated for Emergency Shelter, and  $250,000 for Rapid Rehousing with a minimum of 20% to be used to support Emergency  Housing Vouchers program, as needed, through the Lake County Public Housing  Authority. 

Local applicants must submit their proposals to the Lake County Continuum of Care  Administrative Entity (LCCoC AE) no later than July 21, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Applicants  will be asked to attend an interview meeting, to provide a short presentation and answer  interview questions from the Grant Selection Working Group. Funding recommendations  shall be made by the Grant Selection Working Group comprised of general members of  the LCCoC. Any remaining funds not requested shall be redistributed to the LCCoC, to  maximize Lake County’s allocation. 

The contracting process, leading to fund disbursement, will begin immediately after the  award letters are sent out. 

By regulation of this particular grant, the funding must be expended by August 31,  2022. 

All proposals will be reviewed for compliance with the NOFA and eligible applicants will be  asked to attend a Question and Answer session. Please seek technical assistance for  proposals at the Q and A session that will be held during the Application timeframe. 

  1. Eligible Subrecipients 

ESG-CV funds are distributed locally through the Lake County Continuum of Care  (LCCoC) to subrecipients. A subrecipient can include: 

a unit of local government including housing authority, 

a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization,

or, a state or federally recognized tribal entity. 

  1. Eligible Activities Details 

The parameters for these ESG-CV Round 2 funds are for Direct Services to prevent,  prepare for and respond to coronavirus among individuals and families who are  experiencing homelessness or receiving homeless assistance be expended in Lake  County for a broad variety of activities to assist persons experiencing homelessness or are  at risk of homelessness due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  

All applications must describe how the activities outlined in the proposal will “provide  immediate emergency assistance to people experiencing homelessness or at imminent  risk of homelessness, and that those uses are aligned with California’s Housing First  policy.” 

Sample Eligible uses include, but are not limited to: 

Rental assistance or subsidies: support the Emergency Housing Vouchers  program, housing vouchers, rapid re-housing programs, eviction prevention, and  housing relocation. 

Respond to people who are experiencing homelessness: support the  Emergency Housing Vouchers program, housing vouchers, rapid re-housing  programs, increasing and improving upon essential shelter services (not including  new facility purchase, construction, or expansion).  

All activities must be carried out within the relevant CoC geographic area of Lake  County. 

  1. Requirements 

Coordinated Entry System and Homeless Management Information System  

Subrecipients MUST actively participate in the local Coordinated Entry System (CES) and  Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). 

CES is a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have  fair and equal access and are quickly identified, assessed for, referred, and connected to housing and assistance based on their strengths and needs. 

HMIS is a class of database applications (computer software) used to confidentially  aggregate data on homeless populations served. Such software applications record and  store client-level information on the characteristics and service needs of homeless  persons. Each subrecipient MUST enter client data into HMIS. Such data should include:

The number of homeless persons served 

The number of unsheltered homeless persons served 

The average length of time spent as homeless before entry into the program or project 

The number of homeless persons exiting the program or project to permanent housing 

The number of persons that return to homelessness after exiting the program or project 

Quarterly Reports 

Subrecipients will be required to submit quarterly reports to the LCCoC AE, including: 

Expenditures made within the quarter  

Activities made within the quarter  

HMIS Client Data input within the quarter 

LCCoC may request additional information, as needed, to meet other applicable reporting  or audits. 

Additional requirements 

Subrecipients must provide eligible activities in a manner consistent with the Housing  First practices described in California Code of Regulations, title 25, section 8409,  subdivision (b)(1)-(6). Subrecipients allocated funds for eligible activities that provide  permanent housing shall incorporate the core components of Housing First, as  provided in Section 8255, subdivision (b) of the Welfare and Institutions Code. Housing  First is an evidence-based model that uses housing as a tool, rather than a reward, for  recovery and that centers on providing or connecting homeless people to permanent  housing as quickly as possible. Under the Housing First model, services offered are as  needed and requested on a voluntary basis and that do not make housing contingent  on participation in services. 

In many communities, homelessness is experienced disproportionately by race and  other protected classes, including disability status. Additionally, the Centers for  Disease Control and Prevention is also reporting disproportionate impacts by race and  ethnicity for COVID-19 hospitalization and death, specifically Black, Indigenous, and  Hispanic/Latinx persons. Therefore, it is important to incorporate equity and  accessibility considerations into the proposed projects to address racial and systemic  inequities, and equitably distribute resources within the target population.

Subrecipients that receive funds under the Program are responsible for ensuring that  the expenditure of those funds is consistent with the requirements of the ESG-CV  Round 2 NOFA. 

LCCoC may monitor the expenditures and activities of Subrecipients, as LCCoC deems necessary, to ensure compliance with program requirements and request the  repayment of funds from a Subrecipient or pursue any other remedies available to it  by law for failure to comply with program requirements. After a contract has expired,  any funds not expended for eligible activities shall revert and must be remitted to  LCCoC.  

  1. Application Proposal 

The proposal must be submitted in the following format including, PDF with no more  than 10 pages (including any supplemental materials), minimum of 11 font and  each page shall be numbered

The proposal shall include the following as a minimum:  

  1. Transmittal Letter: The letter shall provide an introduction of the Service  Provider, state the location where the work is to be performed, and be signed by  a principal of the firm (CEO/Board Chair/Executive Director). Please also include  the amount of funds you will be applying for 
  2. The letter must also state: 

“[Name of Organization] agrees to all terms outlined in the Lake  County Continuum of Care Request for Proposals, including, but not  limited to participating in the Coordinated Entry and HMIS programs,  adopting/implementing Housing First practices, prioritizing assistance  to homeless individuals and families over assistance to individuals and  families at risk of homelessness, and ensuring that expenditures of  grant funds is consistent with the requirements of the Program.”  

  1. Cover Page: Firm name, contact information, title of proposal, and date of  proposal.  
  2. Identity of Service Provider: Legal name and business address of the agency or  organization making the proposal, and name, title, address, telephone number  and email address of contact person. This person may also be contacted to make  the presentation before the Grant Selection Working Group. Applicant is a  registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, a local government including housing  authority, or a state or federally recognized tribal entity. 
  3. Executive Summary: An overview of the entire proposal describing its most  important elements. The summary should present the Service Provider’s basic  scope of services, objectives and intended results of the project. It should 

summarize how the proposal meets the RFP requirements and why the Service  Provider is best qualified to perform the required work. 

Executive Summary MUST describe how the activities outlined in the  proposal provide immediate emergency assistance to people experiencing  homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness, and that those uses  are aligned with California’s Housing First policy.  

  1. Key activities: Please list key activities, as they align with providing immediate  emergency assistance in accordance to one or more activities of this grant, to  people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness, and that  those uses are aligned with California’s Housing First policy.  
  2. Evidence Based Practice: A detailed description of the project showing which  evidence-based model the services will be based upon, and the Service  Provider’s understanding of the project requirements and challenges.  
  3. Equity: Describe how the Project will address racial equity and inequities for the  target population, including any local disproportionate impact of COVID-19 and  homelessness by race and other protected classes. Provide supporting evidence  of the strategies’ effectiveness if available. This could include data trends,  policies, local actions, collaborative efforts with partners. 

Describe your organization’s strategies to address equity issues such as cultural  awareness trainings, hiring practices, and inclusive public engagement that  ensures impacted communities of color are part of the decision-making 

  1. Performance Measures: Describe performance measures. You may add your  own performance measures, but please include the following predictions:  
  2. a) The number of persons served  
  3. b) The number of unsheltered/homeless persons served  
  4. c) The average length of time spent as homeless before entry into the program or  project  
  5. d) The number of homeless persons exiting the program or project to permanent housing  
  6. e) The number of persons that return to homelessness after exiting the program or project  
  7. f) The added performance measures specific for the State NOFA. 
  8. Staffing: List of personnel who will be directly assigned to the project (if available),  together with a description of roles and responsibilities for this project.  

10.Statement of Experience and Qualifications: Description of the nature of the  Service Provider’s present work, including a comprehensive list of current and past  work on similar projects. If new, please provide how this project is innovative and how  the evidence-based processes to take place will ensure the project’s success. List of 

any past, current or scheduled trainings for staff that are pertinent to this project.  

11.Budget & Budget Narrative: Please provide the full project budget, including a clear  break out of grant funds. The budget does NOT have a match requirement. It is  acceptable to have the program funded 100% through this grant. Applicants MUST  provide a budget narrative with the proposal budget. Proposals submitted without  a budget narrative shall NOT be considered for funding. Please provide an  explanation for each line item on your project budget

Eligible applicants may submit more than one program/project for consideration. However,  each program/project must be submitted with its own proposal.  

  1. Q and A session 

Technical Assistance and questions regarding the grant and the application process will be  addressed in a virtual Q and A Session on July 6, 2021 at 3:00 P.M. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 281 490 2260 

One tap mobile 

+16699006833,,2814902260# US (San Jose) 

Application Deadline 

Applications are due by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than July 21,  2021 at 11:59 p.m. Proposals must be in PDF format and my not exceed 10 pages. Local  applicants MUST submit proposals to the LCCoC AE and NOT directly to HCD. Proposals  submitted to HCD or not completed by the deadline shall be disregarded.  

  1. Grant Applicant Interview 

Grant applicants will be scheduled to make a brief presentation and answer interview  questions for their proposals within a week of the application deadline. The interview  process is part of the total score for the applicant. Each applicant is allowed several staff to  be present. This will take place after the initial review of the proposals to make sure they  are in compliance with the NOFA; applicants will be contacted to schedule the date and  time; the length of the process (30-45 minutes); that it will be virtually, who it will be with 

(the Grant Selection Working Group); and questions will be about clarifications of their  proposal and presentation. 

  1. Project Selection Process 

Selection of Proposals for Awards 

The project selection process shall avoid conflicts of interest in project selection and shall  be easily accessible to the public – all documents, including this one and the application  pertaining to this funding opportunity are located at 

Following the Grant Application Interview, the Grant Selection Working Group will review  all eligible applications and interview all applicants. Scores will be added with a top score  of 170 points. The two subrecipients with the highest scores will be recommended to the  Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will then announce the grantees, which  will receive the awarded CESH Grant. See Scoring Criteria. 

Application Notification 

Applicants shall be notified of the Grant Selection Working Group decisions via phone  message and email within 48 hours after it has been presented to the executive  committee. The representative listed as the main grant contact in the application shall  be the person contacted. 

Appeals Process 

In order to lodge an appeal, an applicant must submit to LCCoC, a written appeal,  which states all relevant facts, arguments, and evidence upon which the appeal is  based. Furthermore, the applicant must provide a detailed reference to the area or  areas of the application that provide clarification and substantiation for the basis of  

the appeal. No new or additional information will be accepted if this information  would result in an advantage to an applicant. Once the written appeal is submitted  to LCCoC, no further information or materials will be accepted or considered  thereafter. 

Appeals may be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Emails to the email address listed above will be accepted as long as the email  time stamp is prior to the appeal deadline. The Appeal Deadline is August 31, at  12:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. 

Final Award Notification 

Final Award letters will go out in August 4, 2021

  1. Timeline


Date & Time

Local NOFA Released 

June 21. 2021

Q and A 

July 6, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

Submission Deadline 

July 21, 2021 by 11:59 p.m.

Initial Review for Compliance 

July 30, 2021 

Grantee Presentation and Interviews 

July 30, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.

Grant Working Group Scores Applications 

July 30, 2021 

Recommendation to Executive Board 

August 4, 2021 

Award Announcements 

August 4, 2021

Appeals Due 

August 25, 2021 by 12:00  p.m.

Program Contracts and Disbursements Processes Begin

August 26, 2021

Deadline for funds to be expended 

August 31, 2022

  1. LCCoC Scoring Criteria 

Lake County Continuum of Care 

Grant Name:_______________________ 

All projects will be scored by the Scoring Criteria. 

The highest scoring projects will be recommended for funding. 


Application Scoring Template 

Point Range


1. Transmittal Letter 

1 to 6


2. Cover Page 

1 to 4


3. Identity of Service Provider 

1 to 5


4. Executive Summary 

1 to 15


5. Demonstration of Evidence Based Practice 

1 to 15


6. Key Activities 

1 to 15


7. Equity 

1 to 15


8. Performance Measures 

1 to 15


9. Staffing 

1 to 10


10. Statement of Experience and Qualifications 

1 to 20


11. Budget and Budget Narrative 

1 to 20


12. Presentation and Interview 

1 to 30


Total Points Available 



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County of Lake Request for Proposal (RFP) Emergency Solutions Grant Program Coronavirus Round 2 Allocation (ESG-CV2) - Lake County News
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